News - Page 4

Year 9 First Aid Training

Year 9 had a very informative and important afternoon learning what do if someone becomes unconscious and stops breathing. Firstly, they were taught the importance of checking if the person was breathing and positioning them in the recovery position. The pupils were shown how to give mouth to mouth resuscitation…

Year 5 & 6 Stubbers Residential

Year 5 and 6 had an adventurous few days at Stubbers Activity Centre. A variety of activities were undertaken including kayaking, bell boating, archery, team building and many more. They all had a great time!    

Reception Plant their Seedlings

Reception had a lovely time planting the vegetables and fruit seedlings that they bought from Matthew’s Nursery. Year 8 helped to plant them in the Braeside vegetable patch. They also planted some flower pots around the school. We can’t wait to see them grow. Well done Reception!      …

Oak-Tree 3 Tees Cricket Tournament

Year 1 and 2 took part in the Oak-Tree 3 Tees Cricket tournament on Thursday 6 June. Both year groups played really well and tried hard with both batting and fielding. Special mentions to Avneet and Gabrielle for their batting efforts and Rosie and Finn for their fielding determination. Well…

Year 3 – ‘The Human Body’ Topic

In Year 3, we’ve started our new topic, ‘The Human Body’. Dr. Akhtar joined us for a fascinating science lesson, explaining how our amazing body works and how different organs function. She also demonstrated how to use various medical equipment and explained its importance.            …

ISA Athletics

Pupils from Year 3-10 represented Braeside in a number of events at the ISA athletics competition in Bedford. Highlights include Nicole coming 3rd in the year 6 600m, Eliza coming 2nd in the Year 8/9 75m Hurdles, Izellah coming 2nd in the Year 10/11 long jump and a massive well…

Oak-Tree Tennis Competition

Pupils from Years 3-6 represented Braeside at the Oak-Tree tennis competition at Chingford school of tennis. The children played some brilliant tennis throughout the morning, playing singles and doubles matches in their age groups. Ruby in Year 3 was unbeaten and won the U9 boys singles competition! Ruby and Sophie…

Year 9 visit the RAF Museum in Hendon

To support Year 9 at the beginning of their GCSE History journey and to build on their experience of the Battlefields Trip to Ypres, we visited the RAF Museum in Hendon. Pupils had a workshop called ‘Flying Colours’ on arrival to the museum which explored the reasons for the ‘Colour…

Wellbeing Assembly

Eliza and Dilly who are our Wellbeing Ambassadors, delivered a fantastic assembly to the Seniors on wellbeing around exams. They shared some brilliant tips and advice!