Braeside follows the national curriculum with an emphasis on literacy and numeracy. We work with parents to build important skills and listen to children read to develop their intonation, comprehension and appreciation of language.
Mathematical concepts and times tables are embedded during Key Stage 2 giving pupils the necessary tools to be able to deal with more complex problem solving. Other subjects such as Science, History, Geography and RS are also taught by the Class Teacher.
The curriculum gives pupils the opportunity to investigate key periods in history, develop a wider geographic knowledge of the world in which they live, investigate science and the customs and beliefs of people around the world. Creativity is fostered through Art & Design including 3D modelling.
The School’s aims and ethos – namely, giving each pupil a sound moral and intellectual foundation for life and the encouragement to achieve their full potential, is reflected in the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education provided for each age group.
Spiritual, Moral & Social
The Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of pupils takes place through discussion and evaluation: a full programme implements an awareness of and respect for differing cultures and faiths, an appreciation of a moral code, a sense of self, a sense of responsibility and what it means to be a citizen.