As well as a strong focus on academic subjects such as English, Mathematics and Science, our students are given a creative and rich curriculum with specialist teachers in Languages, Music, Drama, ICT and Art. We encourage our pupils to be innovative and inquisitive. We want the pupils to be engaged and we believe this enables them to make the maximum progress possible.
Extension and Reinforcement
Our class and subject teachers stretch and challenge our pupils appropriately. Similarly, those pupils who need additional support are given the option of one-to-one tuition, or reinforcement in small groups.
Reasonable adjustments where it is deemed necessary are made e.g. a pupil with Learning Support needs or English as an Additional Language is provided with suitable advice, guidance and support. However, in some cases and at additional cost to the parents, the school may advise the engagement of external assessment agencies in helping to identify learning needs. Additional costs may also be incurred if specialist and extensive need is identified.
Year 6
All pupils in Year 6 are expected to move automatically into our Seniors. They take the 11+ examination with external candidates, which provides them with a valuable experience and helps us to place them appropriately if setting.
For many children the thought of moving to a large Senior School at the age of eleven can be quite traumatic, but at Braeside pupils already know the school and many of the teachers. This prevents the feeling of “growing out” of their Junior School, as mixing with the older pupils both socially and through House activities makes them feel more grown up.