Category: News - Page 5

Essex Independent Schools Tennis Tournament

Braeside’s tennis team took part in the Essex Independent Schools tennis tournament. Ruby and Sophie did brilliantly and came third overall in the U9 age group!  Nicole and Sawda represented the U11s and played some excellent matches. Ava and Lou-Lou came runners up in the U13 competition! An amazing achievement….

Year 5 & 6 Football Vs. Chigwell

On Friday, Year 5 & 6 played a friendly 5 a side football game against the Year 5 & 6 Chigwell girls. The girls all played really well, particular well done to one of our teams who won their match.    

Greek Day

Chartwells (our food service providers) put on a Greek day for pupils this week. Pupils got a taste of Greek salad and Gyros as well as a tasty dessert made with Greek yoghurt. Harry in Kindergarten said ‘I love the chicken in the bread. It’s yummy’. Tiger in Reception said…

Year 3 Football Vs. Chigwell

On Monday, Year 3 went to Chigwell school for a friendly football match. Chigwell were warm and welcoming and both sides had a wonderful game. Well done Year 3!

Senior Peri Concert – May 2024

Well done to the fantastic performers in KS3 at the Braeside Senior Peri concert! Your confident singing and skilled instrument-playing were a joy to experience. Clearly, your hard work in lessons is paying off, highlighting the remarkable talent and potential within our school community. Keep up the amazing work!

LAMDA Results

There was excellent news when the LAMDA results arrived for the Braeside pupils, who had taken their Speaking Verse and Prose examinations in March! All that hard work and preparation had been worth it! There were outstanding results for 55 pupils ranging from Year 1, who had taken their Introductory…

Year 2 ISA Football Tournament

On Thursday 9 May, Year 2 travelled to the Power League in Barnet to take part in the ISA football tournament.  It was a gloriously hot, sunny day but this did not deter the girls who showed real resilience and teamwork despite the heat and tough opposition. Although after playing…

Year 5 English – Varmints

Year 5 have been reading ‘Varmints’ in their English lessons. Once, the only sounds to be heard were the buzzing of bees in the grass, the murmuring of moles in the earth, and the song of birds in the sky. These warmed the hearts of those who cared to listen…

UKMT Junior Maths Challenge Results 2024

Well done to our Year 7 & 8 pupils representing Braeside School in the UK Maths Trust Junior Maths Challenge this year. The results are in and the following certificates have been awarded: Year 7: Elysia – Silver certificate and achieved the best score in Year 7 Sarrinah – Bronze…

Year 3 learn about the Stone Age

Year 3 have been learning about the Stone Age. They studied how the Stone Age people communicated and learned how they would draw in caves. This inspired the class to create their own Stone Age drawings.