Category: News - Page 12

Chinese New Year Assembly

We are very grateful to Mrs Sek (who mainly works with our Junior pupils) for delivering an amazing assembly on Chinese New Year this week to all of our Senior and Junior pupils. Mrs Sek shared her family traditions and the meaning behind each day of the New Year. Mrs…

Children’s Mental Health Week Video

During this Children’s Mental Health Week, Braeside School is here to remind you of the theme this year which is ‘My Voice Matters’. My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves. If you ever find yourself struggling…

ISA North Netball Tournament

The U11 and U13 netball teams took part in the ISA North netball tournament at Redbridge Sports Centre. The U13’s lost 2-1 to Bedford Greenacre, drew 2-2 against Northbridge, won 7-2 against Knightsbridge and won 6-2 against Akeley Wood. They improved so much throughout the day! The U11s won 5-0…

Year 6 Science Class – Micro-organisms

Year 6 learnt about micro-organisms in Friday’s Science class, conducting experiments using yeast. They learnt that yeast reacts with sugar and produces carbon dioxide which causes the balloons to blow up and the dough to rise.  It was so much fun!    

Good Luck Dilly!

Congratulations to Dilly in Year 10 who is a finalist for the Young Citizen of the Year award. The award is for young people aged 11-18, in recognition of their exceptional contribution to the Epping Forest community. The winner will be announced in March. Good luck Dilly!