Culture Day 2024

Braeside had their first ever Culture Day!  We’re very proud of our broad spectrum of cultures and wanted to celebrate this as a school wide event. The day consisted of a range of activities all designed to educate pupils across the school about different cultures from around the world and not just the Braeside community. The event was led by the Senior pupils but also included Junior pupils on the day.

The Senior year groups all opted to represent a different continent, they were as follows:

Year 7 – Asia

Year 8 – Europe

Year 9 – Africa

Year 10 – South America

They worked very hard in creating a range of informative and educational “display stalls” relating to different countries within their chosen continent. Each stall featured a range of facts and were visited by the Junior classes to help them learn about different cultures in a “marketplace” style environment, where they went from stall to stall, learning new facts along the way presented to them by the Senior pupils.

As well as this, students dressed in clothes that related to their culture of heritage and took part in a whole school “fashion show”. The day concluded with a fun “Guess the flag activity” where all classes participated in a quiz via Zoom to determine who really knows their Geography!