Year 5 English – Varmints

Year 5 have been reading ‘Varmints’ in their English lessons. Once, the only sounds to be heard were the buzzing of bees in the grass, the murmuring of moles in the earth, and the song of birds in the sky. These warmed the hearts of those who cared to listen – until ‘the others’ came to fill the sky with a cacophony of noise. ‘Varmints’ tells of a pastoral world in need of protection and of the souls who love it enough to ensure its regeneration.

As part of their learning, the class have planned different forms of protest campaigns to raise support for the ‘Varmints’ in the story, as their home has been taken over by ‘the others’.

The pupils created social media videos to gain support for their campaigns as well as designing the materials they need for their protest before staging a mini  march outside.