Year 2 & 3 William Morris Gallery Trip

On Wednesday 7th Year 2 and 3 visited the William Morris Gallery in Walthamstow. Year 3 have been learning about William Morris and how the natural environment of Epping Forest inspired his art. It was great to see them experience his art first-hand and take part in some live art work while they were there.

Amber in Year 3 said “I enjoyed seeing William Morris art work in real life.”

Ruby in Year 3 said  “It was really nice to learn about William’s childhood and see where he lived when he was a teenager.”

Isla in Year 3 said “Seeing William’s artwork in real life made me so happy because I really want to be an artist when I grow up.”

Gabrielle in Year 2 said, “I like the brass rubbing activity and drawing the different patterns.

Leela in Year 2 said, “It was great because I got to look at pictures and statues and I liked the sketching book activities.”

Rosie in Year 2 said, “My favourite part was using the wooden blocks to create a medieval cathedral.”

Alisha in Year 2 said, “ My favourite part was watching the puppet show.”